
click the boxes to expand details for each course


Beginning Biodynamic Massage

Provide massage while accessing and following biodynamic quietude.


Biodynamic Massage Supplement

Hands-on guidance to supplement your understanding and growth between workshops.


Intermediate Biodynamic Massage

Moving toward whole field perception, pineal palpation, and hub processing.


Intermediate Biodynamic Massage Immersion
(BIODM 2i)

A giving and receiving retreat with guided assistance during practice.


Biodynamic Unwinding
(Unwind 1)

Supporting movements and positions which emerge from biodynamic processes.


Advanced Biodynamic Massage

Recognizing motives, relinquishing volition, finding freedom.


Advanced Biodynamic Massage Immersion
(BIODM 3i)

Community practice, biodynamic exploration, personal and professional transformation.


Beyond Biodynamic Massage

Lose your sense of self, positively, and discover what remains.


Biodynamic Massage Mentorship

One on one professional support to nourish your advancement of biodynamic work.


Listen to Todd being interviewed for the Craniosacral Podcast by Ryan Hallford.

What is the difference between biodynamic cranial and biodynamic massage?

Why I Love Biodynamic Massage” by Monica Rudestam, LAc., MSOM


biodynamic massage

Biodynamic Massage helps practitioners feel and be animated by the the biodynamic forces that sustain life and generate healthy relationships. We learn to palpate the health in clients, learn to feel how our body is placed in space relative to this health, and learn to feel how our hands are being moved by this relational biodynamic field.

This way of working asks the practitioner to fully enter the present moment, set aside their treatment goals, and simply feel their way into the right relationship to the health expression underway in the client. Subtle, palpable sensations coming from the depth of biodynamic quietude provide the guidance for our hands. We get sculpted and animated during the massage to provide just the right quality and direction of contact where their system needs us to be, which fosters transformation.

This begins the process of exploring motive-free bodywork. In order to sense and move congruently with biodynamic expressions, we have to let go of how we think the massage should happen. We have to be willing to sense and allow our own body to be moved in space. When we do this, the client experiences something exceptionally rare in our culture. Healthy touch without intent. They are simply met as they are, with profound connection, and supported in their current expression, without expectation or judgement.

Biodynamic Massage tends to be explored by practitioners who have already invested considerable time and energy studying and practicing various motive-based approaches. From medical massage to subtle energy work, a motive to heal and change provides the basis for treatment. Some practitioners are interested in exploring what remains if they set aside all motives. What is massage like, when based on the sensation of connection with the intelligence that animates life?

Todd Jackson began developing Biodynamic Massage in 1994. After 15 years of dedicated refinement, he began teaching this approach in 2009. Todd maintains an inclusive and supportive learning environment by bringing patient presence, humor, sensitive observation skills, experienced and sophisticated hands-on guidance to the group. Class sizes are intentionally small and assistants are employed to ensure students confidently integrate the approach. Ongoing support is available after workshops via Supplements, Treatment Exchanges, Feedback Sessions, Practice Immersions, and Mentorship. Please see the current curriculum offered above.