This is a 90 minute class.

In-person classes meet at…
Yoga Refuge
7831 SE Stark, Suite 300
Portland, OR 97215

Attending in-person also provides the option to attend via zoom as desired, as your registration confirmation email will include zoom links for all the classes.

If you miss an in-person class, you can make it up at any other in-person class during the same term. You also have the option of attending any online class as a make-up.

Everyone is encouraged to mask according to their preferences. If you’re feeling sick in any way, even a common cold, please attend via zoom until you’re better.

You can join at any point during the term to attend the remaining classes, paying a pro-rated tuition.


Is this the yoga you’ve been searching for?

See what students are saying.


Experiencing financial hardship?

Attend online classes for free.


Want this yoga, but on different days/times?

Check out the Yoga Class Recordings bundle so you can watch at your convenience. See the video library faq for more details.


Where can I get yoga props for my home practice?

See this list of recommended props and vendors.


What is the difference between registering for a class and dropping-in to a class?

Registering for a class means that you attend on the same day and time each week, for all classes remaining in the current term. Dropping-in means that you’re attending just the single class that day.