beginning biodynamic massage evaluations
What did you like most about this training?
“Being able to be vulnerable to ask questions and receive feedback & guidance.”
“Profound bodywork. Time on the table, time to practice. Gentle guidance.”
“Receiving transformative, profound bodywork.”
“The generosity of giving and receiving with peers, assistants, and instructor is connective, instructive and healing.”
“All the hands-on assistance. One teacher and two assistants for 10 students. Incredible guidance to help us truly get it.”
“The clear communication of content along with hands-on guidance & treatment.”
“I love being able to turn off my brain and play.”
“The everything. Hands-on guidance, depth of care & love held in the space, attentive answers to all questions.”
“The individual attention to meet us where we are and the great assistants.”
“The clearly articulated descriptions and instructions on how to approach an ephemeral practice.”
“Compared to other CE’s, it was the perfect balance of giving & receiving so I didn’t feel completely drained after each 8 hour day. The material was presented in a clear way and in a TANGIBLE, useful way.”
“The opportunity to let allow my CST and massage skills to merge.”
“I really enjoyed being able to take my deep tissue practice to another level by allowing the receiver’s body to guide me rather than my will and intention.”
“I loved, loved this training and wish you offered more modules per year.”
“I love your explanations – the way you can describe a felt sense so that I can then get there.”
“Not too much ‘special sharing circle.’ The amount of actual practice and hands on assistance was fantastic. Your crowd control was respectful and dynamic. Beth and Donna are great assistants.”
“Your ability to integrate the different personalities of the LMT’s and keep the group focused on this work.”
“The almost immediate immersion into the practice. Being able to have so much time giving and receiving.”
“I super valued the emphasis on felt experience vs. organizational protocol.”
“Love the work, the way time was organized, the amount of wonderful personal attention from you and the assistants – fabulous workshop overall.”
“Thank you all. I appreciate the amount of assistance I had during treatments + how everyone managed group dynamics.”
“Super clear, well paced, organized.”
“Other than the chocolate? I love that it’s so experiential. I love Todd’s good-humored approach + ability to notice and accentuate everyone’s strengths.”
“Breaking free from fragmented massage + learning how to tap into a dynamic, less ‘linear’ and muscle oriented bodywork.”
“How much time we actually spent practicing. The pacing felt supportive to the learning process.”
“Todd’s concrete language invention that pointed to the specificities of the subtle nuances of this technique. The sensitivity to the whole room, the whole group as a system…for how and when to apply specific instruction/demonstration/attention.”
“I loved the caring, authentic, close-in instruction, modeling & corrections – and appreciate the supportive intention behind them.”
“The experiential emphasis and support offered by assistants and Todd. Being an experienced learner, this was refreshing to find in a CEU course.”
“Nurturing. Great energy. Thorough demonstrations – support, support support ! ”
“When I got one on one instructions from all three teachers.”
“Very hands on – not too much talk/info first.”
“The instruction was superb & the personal help while practicing was essential.”
What was the most significant moment for you personally or professionally during this workshop?
“Allowing myself to go deeper into what’s happening and being with that.”
“Learning to use my whole body and inner body to connect to my work.”
“Receiving from 2 or more people. Giving with teacher/assistant guidance.”
“When you guided me to allow the work to come from within myself rather than just my hands….to soften and trust, rather than think and accomplish.”
“Tuning into a different way of sensing/perceiving the body.”
“The final day and my final practice as practitioner. I finally could see myself doing what has been taught over the whole course.”
“Navigating my emotional release and coming out the other side with a sense of oneness, universal love and complete peace. Also, opening my heart and cradling my partner.”
“Day 1: helping me feel how I was limiting the felt-sense at my legs and bringing that awareness into my legs while working.”
“When you offered feedback which helped me orient to meet the client. It was a softness, a subtleness that was new feeling. I think the experience will help me and continue to inform my presence in the future.”
What made the biggest difference in your ability to feel and understand this work?
“The active instruction that occurs as the teaching assistants and instructor work alongside as you give and receive.”
“Receiving feedback in real time (from teacher and assistants) while I was giving bodywork.”
“Keeping it simple. Not piling on too many concepts and sensations to track. It was just the right amount.”
“Being able to ask questions and receive direct guidance through your felt sense of me, what I’m doing, very regularly, due to your attentiveness in coming around in a small group size.”
“Confirmation of my felt sense / perceptions is invaluable in my development.”
“Validation that I can trust my heart and felt sense.”
“The proficiency and heart-felt dedication of teacher and two assistants, with 10 students.”
“Having plenty of interaction with the instructors.”
“The shaking exercise, and the level of trust and confidence instilled by the class and space held for learning.”
“Getting out of my head and into my heart.”
“Feeling the instructor feeling into someone on the table.”
“The shaking exercise, session time, the handout/workbook, and of course, you and the assistants’ support.”
“Re-learning the warm-up, and understanding its power and significance more to allowing the tissues to reorganize. Further practice of staying with non-movement and watching for neutral.”
What feedback would you like to share about the assistants?
“Loving, engaged, skillful, encouraging!”
“Appreciated their openness to questions.”
“They were fantastic, warm and welcoming.”
“Their ability to assist without being intrusive was remarkable. Their vulnerability in talking about their experience with the work was very appreciated.”
“They were superb.”
“Loveliest people whose love you can feel through their hands.”
“The best assistants I’ve ever had in a workshop.”
“I loved working with her together as one with her treating someone. Very interesting and awesome experience.”
“I appreciated their tenderness and eagerness to share their love of the biodynamic practice they instill.”
“I appreciated their intuitiveness and openness very much.”
“They were both so incredibly warm, helpful and supportive.”
“Excellent support through presence, physical support, quietude, loving awareness, limited but adept words.”
“They are invaluable, kind and so helpful. They embody the work so well, which creates an experiential learning environment.”
“They were great. Nothing less than great when helping me.”
Any other feedback you’d like to share?
“It was very confronting to become a beginner again, but I gained life changing breakthroughs, so thank you.”
“When receiving bodywork, you register as sanctuary.”
“I found this to be loving and educational on many levels.”
“I greatly appreciate your professional organization of the workshop container.”
“I learned so much! Thanks!”
“This is exactly what I hoped massage could be.”
“This work has me excited and refreshed. Thank you!”
“Thank you – this has been path-shifting and my gratitude runs deep.”
“The love and care was felt.”
“Todd you are a wonderful teacher. Very open, kind and genuine.”
“The consistency and grounding made it possible to fully trust and surrender to the process.”
“Much gratitude for offering this wonderful class.”
“I felt very reticent to take this course because of my personal level of pain and distraction from my practice. But I learned something much deeper than body work techniques, that has changed my feeling about the potential for healing. I feel a deep level of gratitude.”
“Thank you! This work is quite intense. No coasting for me, it seems. But I value your presence and offerings beyond measure.”
“That I feel the significance of this on a global scale. Sometimes I think, “Why aren’t people making a big deal out of this?” I guess I’m just wondering how to spread it – if you’ll speak about it on Youtube, publish work on it, or allow students to teach it.”