Advanced Biodynamic Massage Immersion
(BIODM 3i)
Community practice, biodynamic exploration, personal and professional transformation.
Aug 22-25, 2025
9am-6pm Fri-Mon
30 CEUs
Prerequisites: Open to all licensed health-care providers. Complete Advanced Biodynamic Massage (BIODM 3).
This workshop is a prerequisite to attend the Beyond Biodynamic Massage course (BIODM 4), tentatively planned for 2026.
This workshop will be presented outdoors, under canopies, with privacy fencing, in a garden space. A small fee will cover operating costs; no tuition.
The Advanced Biodynamic Massage Immersion differs from other immersions in that all attendees are on equal footing. Everyone is exchanging, all day long, for all 4 days. Everyone gathers to share their biodynamic massage skills with one another.
We will have the option of some discussion times, but during the exchanges each participant will be practicing from their own heart and mind within the group field.
The focus on the relationship to quietude will present differently for each person. Some may opt to forgo speaking for the duration of the event, or opt to speak only during designated discussion times, or as needed in the moment during exchanges. Some may work in a way that is new or different or emerging for them, as they let go and follow.
Each participant commits to taking care of themselves. Each participant commits to not judging themselves or others. There is an acknowledgement that perfection is not necessary.
course highlights
- outdoor environment – stand on the earth while treating, listening to birds, communing with trees, in a private garden space. be immersed in nature and see how biodynamic resourcing is benefitted more than working in an office or indoor workshop space
- tuition free – as a courtesy for those who’ve advanced their skills to this level, to support the biodynamic massage community, and to encourage new unfolding in biodynamic understanding, this event has no tuition. there is a small fee to cover hosting expenses
- multiple practitioner treatments – several days of receiving from multiple practitioners simultaneously. a rare opportunity to have fully saturated biodynamic support to shift your relationship to health and living
- transformation – the personal and professional transformation will give you a deep, non-verbal understanding of what you value about working biodynamically. you’ll get why the advanced immersions fill up quickly as people return year after year
- community – connect with kind, patient, open minded, open hearted, perceptive and skillful practitioners who are keenly interested in how quietude animates the massage experience. over 4 days of immersive giving and receiving, you’ll feel a sense of community that endures and add key people to your trading circle