summer yoga immersion imagePresented in-person at Yoga Refuge.
9am-12pm and 2-4pm daily

Join us for 20 hours of yoga over 4 days! We’ll pace ourselves via smart sequencing, experiential demonstrations, restorative poses, pranayama and more.

Please note that there will not be a zoom option, or a recording, for this workshop. Be there!

Students enrolled in one of Todd’s ongoing weekly classes are welcome to attend. Yoga practitioners with a background of training or attendance at The Yoga Room in Berkeley are also welcome to attend. Students should be familiar with headstand and shoulderstand as we will perform them daily. Alternatives to inversions will be provided as needed.

No partial registrations. Since the sequencing and thematic content will build upon the previous days’ explorations, full attendance is required.

Covid-19 precautions

  • Symptom free attendance – If you’re experiencing any signs or symptoms of a common cold, flu or covid-19, then the best place to be is at home. Please do not arrive with symptoms of illness. Students may want to minimize their exposure risk for 10 days prior to the event.
  • Masks – Everyone is encouraged to mask according to their preferences. Masks are not required.


todd jackson

Todd Jackson guides students to balance the sensations of weight distribution, directional movement and tissue resiliency within. Known for his sequencing skills and sophisticated hands-on adjustments, Todd catalyzes students’ inner body integration. Teaching classes, workshops, retreats and advanced studies courses since 1997, Todd has presented over 7,000 hours of innovative and grounded content inspired by long term studies with Donald Moyer and Mary Lou Weprin, senior Iyengar instructors at The Yoga Room in Berkeley.

What students are saying…

“Nurturing. Great energy. Thorough demonstrations.”

“Todd’s intelligent observation and guidance create an environment that is engaging, fun, challenging, safe and respectful. He approaches yoga with practicality, lack of dogma and a refreshing willingness to meet everybody’s body where it is at. – I may be middle aged and not so flexible, but there are props, techniques and modes of awareness for me to use to shift old patterns and move more freely.”

“Todd is a skillful, generous and profound teacher. His teaching is a clear transmission of his own deep practice and he creates a space that is challenging and safe in equal measure.”

“Used to be effort, Now inner-body wisdom, No more yoga strain.”

“I loved the caring, authentic, close-in instruction, modeling & corrections.”

“The instruction was superb & the personal help while practicing was essential.”